I have acquired many skills throughout ENG2D: Linking to context, reflecting on my writing, Aristotles theory for tragedy characters, and Putting my thoughts into words on a page. Coming to the end of this course I have gained much more confidence in writing an essay and linking back to the main thesis. Since the beginning of this course I have dramatically improved my writing abilities and have learned many more skills.
In addition, throughout the course my reflection paragraphs have improved extravagantly. Looking back at my first reflection piece, I have learned to link to my writing more and learned how to confidently talk about structure of a piece. This was important trait to learn as it is what allows a writer to grow and learn from what they've written.
Additionally, at the beginning of the term, I wasn't properly linking back to the context within an essay, but I have since learned how to confidently link what I'm writing back to the main thesis. This was important to learn, so that the reader remembers what the main objective truly is.
ENG2D has focused on growing my reflection, communication, and connection skills. These are skills that are all needed throughout all of high school, university, and daily life. The skill of reflection will help me to realize what I've done good and what needs improvement, Communication is a skill needed in every job and every schooling course, and connection allows me to understand why I do what I do. These skills will help me with my dream job of a Lawyer. I am grateful for everything I have learned in ENG2D as I know these are forever useful skills.
The following 5 articles are the pieces I am most proud of.
The 'Macbeth' essay was an analytical writing piece. This piece was about the relationship between the two tragic characters. This piece allowed me to learn/work on: Referring, Annualizing, and Supporting. Even though I initially struggled on these skills within this piece I grew to understand how they were correctly done. The 'Macbeth' essay allowed my confidence to grow for annualizing books and movies for essay's and reviews. Specifically, this piece allowed me to properly support the evidence, if it is a quotation, stage direction, or structural analysis I have chosen from within a book with my thesis. Furthermore, I really enjoyed writing this essay as I really enjoyed the book Macbeth. With this writing piece having my passion, new knowledge, and confidence it allowed me to receive my highest writing mark of the term.
This assignment required me to write a new Scene for the play 'Macbeth' whilst using the same writing style as the author, William Shakespeare. I was very excited about this assignment as it had me analyzing the way Shakespeare used metaphors and similes. This piece allowed me to be expressive and experimental with different language feature usages. After I completed this assignment I was very proud of the outcome. I believed this creative writing was a very unique piece to me and this allowed it to reflect with an outcome of a 93%.
3. 'Shrek' Discussion
The 'Shrek' discussion was by far the most enjoyable 'project' to complete. However, it wasn't just the joy that made this one of my favourite pieces. This discussion allowed me to grow with the skills of adding onto others ideas along with linking my thoughts and ideas back to the main question asked. From the first discussion I gained a lot more confidence while adding onto others ideas. This piece allowed me t reflect and learn from my goals, doing this allowed me to get my highest mark of the term - being 98%.
This assignment had my full attention. After learning that the ISP surrounded identity I had a lot of inspiration and excitement. I spent many hours straight planning, drafting, and writing. After finishing the 2 written pages of the book I was extremely satisfied. I used a lot of skilled I learned throughout ENG2D including but not only: Poetry structure having a meaning; Metaphors to describe feelings; and having my story link back to Identity and Aristotle's tragic character theory. This whole project felt as everything new I learned was linked into this, and it made me feel confident in my writing skills as I did well on this project.
I was very proud of this assignment as I was able to have a different point of view of World War 1. I was able to research more about indigenous soldiers and looked deeper into poetry. For instance I used my learning of structural analysis and language features. This piece of work allowed me to learn and grow from it. This piece is what allowed me to know what I have to work harder on which was linking to context and how to analyze structure and language features. The knowledge I learned from this is what makes me respect and thank this piece.
My Website has been a work in progress since ENG1D. I have been adding and editing it as much as possible. It is enjoyable to be able to look at one place and be able to reflect on my past writing pieces. My whole site has a very peaceful feeling that is perfect for reading, I used dark, pastel, and overall relaxing backgrounds to really express how I feel during writing and reading. Moreover, The about me section helped me learn how to introduce myself briefly within a writing piece. I have grown to enjoy everything about my website: the backgrounds, the photos, and my work. However, my favourite aspect of my website would have to be the "My work" section because it has all my writings in one spot.